The Astir Group

Anti-Slavery and
Human Trafficking Statement

Our anti-slavery and human trafficking statement reflects our commitment to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. We have responsibility under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to ensure transparency in the provision of all our goods and services. This statement outlines the actions and steps taken by the Astir Group. We will seek to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our business or supply chains.

Supply Chain

The Astir Group procures services and products directly and through our partnerships and contractual relationships with other suppliers and agencies. These are sourced from the UK, Europe and beyond. The Astir Group does not wish to support or deal with any business that is knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking in any part of its operations.

The Astir Group will continue to review its procurement policies regarding tenders and contracts to ensure they reflect best practice and to mitigate against the risk of modern slavery.


We are committed to ensuring that our employees and workers are not subject to any form of servitude, forced, compulsory or bonded labour. Employees will have the freedom to leave freely and without threat to themselves or their family. All our employees will be treated fairly and equally. We regularly review all our terms of employment to ensure that they comply with all relevant legislation.

As an employer we review our terms of employment to ensure they comply with all relevant legislation. Employees are provided with clear and transparent information about rates of pay, hours worked and legal deductions.


Sustainable and Ethical procurement is very important to the Astir Group. Our vision is to minimise our negative impacts and enhance the positive environmental, social and economic impacts. All our policies are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they reflect anti-slavery and human trafficking best practice and to mitigate against risks.

On behalf of the Board